error if failure. $url_to_test = ""; echo "Testing $url_to_test\n"; $testid = $test->test(array( 'url' => $url_to_test )); if ($testid) { echo "Test started with $testid\n"; } else { die("Test failed: " . $test->error() . "\n"); } // Other options include: // // location => 4 - test from the San Antonio test location (see locations below) // login-user => 'foo', // login-pass => 'bar', - the test requires http authentication // x-metrix-adblock => 1 - use the adblock plugin during this test // // For more information on options, see // After calling the test method, your URL will begin testing. You can call: echo "Waiting for test to finish\n"; $test->get_results(); // which will block and return once your test finishes. Alternatively, can call: // $state = $test->state() // which will return the current state. Please don't check more than once per second. // Once your test is finished, chech that it completed ok, otherwise get the results. // Note: you must check twice. The first ->test() method can fail if url is malformed, or // other immediate error. However, if you get a job id, the test itself may fail if the url // can not be reached, or some pagespeed error. if ($test->error()) { die($test->error()); } $testid = $test->get_test_id(); echo "Test completed succesfully with ID $testid\n"; $results = $test->results(); foreach ($results as $result => $data) { echo " $result => $data\n"; } echo "\nResources\n"; $resources = $test->resources(); foreach ($resources as $resource => $url) { echo " Resource: $resource $url\n"; } // Each test has a unique test id. You can load an existing / old test result using: echo "Loading test id $testid\n"; $test->load($testid); // If you no longer need a test, you can delete it: echo "Deleting test id $testid\n"; $result = $test->delete(); if (! $result) { die("error deleting test: " . $test->error()); } // To list possible testing locations, use locations() method: echo "\nLocations GTmetrix can test from:\n"; $locations = $test->locations(); // Returns an array of associative arrays: foreach ($locations as $location) { echo "GTmetrix can run tests from: " . $location["name"] . " using id: " . $location["id"] . " default (" . $location["default"] . ")\n"; } /* Sample output: Testing Test started with PnV4kAr2 Waiting for test to finish Test completed succesfully with ID PnV4kAr2 page_load_time => 480 html_bytes => 3346 page_elements => 16 report_url => html_load_time => 28 page_bytes => 90094 pagespeed_score => 95 yslow_score => 98 Resources Resource: report_pdf Resource: pagespeed Resource: har Resource: pagespeed_files Resource: yslow Resource: screenshot Loading test id PnV4kAr2 Deleting test id PnV4kAr2 Locations GTmetrix can test from: GTmetrix can run tests from: Vancouver, Canada using id: 1 default (1) GTmetrix can run tests from: London, UK using id: 2 default () GTmetrix can run tests from: Sydney, Australia using id: 3 default () GTmetrix can run tests from: San Antonio, USA using id: 4 default () GTmetrix can run tests from: Mumbai, India using id: 5 default () */ ?>