GTmetrix REST API v0.1

Your API Details

An API key is needed to use the GTmetrix REST API or the GTmetrix for WordPress plugin.

You must be logged in to view your API details.

Log in  or  Sign Up

Note regarding the GTmetrix API

The below specification is for our legacy GTmetrix API v0.1, which only generates Legacy Reports (PageSpeed/YSlow).

Use our latest GTmetrix API v2.0 to generate Lighthouse reports.

The GTmetrix API offers developers an easy way to utilize the GTmetrix performance testing service. Using the GTmetrix API, you can integrate performance testing into your development environment or into your application.

The GTmetrix API is based on the Web Testing Framework (WTF) Testing Service API; a RESTful API. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about the API, or if you end up using it in a cool and interesting way!


We currently have a PHP library available for use with our REST API v0.1:

In addition, third-party libraries are available for the following languages/platforms:

API Access URL

The base URL for the GTmetrix API is Please note that HTTPS is required.


The GTmetrix API uses HTTP Basic Access Authentication as its authentication mechanism. Use your e-mail address as the username and your API key as the password.

We recommend using your HTTP client's built-in basic authentication handling, like in the curl examples below, which automatically generates the correct Authorization header and appends it to your request. You can also generate the Authorization header yourself by following the specification instructions.

You can generate or view your API key at the API Key box at the top of the page.

Note that if you are accessing the API using an API key generated from a GTmetrix Team plan with role of Viewer, you will not be able to generate tests, delete reports or create PDF reports.

Request Responses

The GTmetrix API uses the HTTP status codes as defined by RFC 2616 to declare whether an API request was successful or not. The error status codes that the API can return are listed in the documentation below.

All requests (except where noted) return an JSON-encoded string. See the documentation below for the structure of the data.

Errors are returned in the format:

{ "error" : "Error message goes here" }

API Rate Limiting

The GTmetrix API has a global rate limit on all the API endpoints to prevent accidental or deliberate flooding of requests to the API service. Limits have been chosen that should be high enough for any reasonable API usage. If you are hitting the limits, consider increasing your retry times or contact us to discuss your usage scenario.

The rate-limit state is communicated via X-RateLimit-* response headers, loosely following the specification guidelines:

X-RateLimit-Limit: {request-quota}, {request-quota};window={time-window}
X-RateLimit-Remaining: {requests-remaining}
X-RateLimit-Reset: {time-remaining}
Parameter Description
request-quota The total amount of requests allowed before rate-limiting within the time window
240 requests for GTmetrix Basic, 960 for most GTmetrix PRO users
time-window The size of the request rate-limiting window (60s)
requests-remaining The amount of requests remaining before rate-limiting within the current window
time-remaining Seconds remaining until the end of the current window

If you exceed this limitation, the API will respond with a 429 error to any request until the end of the rate limit window.

HTTP status Error code Error message
429 E42901 Rate limit exceeded

API Credits

The GTmetrix API uses a credit system to allow access to our servers for analysis requests.

  • 1 analysis request = 0.7 credits (3.5 credits for a video request).
  • GTmetrix Basic users are given up to 5 API credits daily.
  • You can increase your Daily API Credit allowance by upgrading to GTmetrix PRO.
  • When you first generate an API key, you are given 100 credits (useful for testing purposes).

Please note that your API credits only refill when they fall below your account's Daily API Credit—credits do not accumulate past your account's Daily API Credit allowance.

For example, a GTmetrix Basic account has a daily allocation of 5 credits. A refill of these credits (back to 5) will occur on the next refill period and only when your remaining credits drop below 5.

If you think your application or service will require more API credits, please feel free to upgrade to a GTmetrix PRO account, or contact us.

REST Requests

Start a Test

POST /api/0.1/test

Note that you can only run 2 jobs concurrently on a Basic account (GTmetrix PRO users get 8 concurrency) and when you exceed this limit, you will get a 429 HTTP status code. You will need to wait until one of the existing jobs completes, or retry until you get a non 429 status.


Name Description Type Required Default
url The URL of the page to test string Yes
location Test location ID string No 1
browser Browser ID string No 3
login-user Username for the test page HTTP access authentication — this is not the API authentication. string No
login-pass Password for the test page HTTP access authentication — this is not the API authentication. string No
x-metrix-adblock Enable AdBlock integer (0, 1) No 0
x-metrix-cookies Cookies to send with the request. This uses the same syntax as the web front end. string No
x-metrix-video Enable generation of video — due to extra storage and processing requirements, a video test requires 3.5 api credits integer (0, 1) No 0
x-metrix-stop-onload Stop the test at window.onload instead of after the page has fully loaded (ie. 2 seconds of network inactivity). integer (0, 1) No 0
x-metrix-throttle Throttle the connection. Speed measured in Kbps, latency in ms. See Connection Throttling reference section for sample values. string (down/up/latency) No
x-metrix-allow-url Only load resources that match one of the URLs on this list. This uses the same syntax as the web front end. string No
x-metrix-block-url Prevent loading of resources that match one of the URLs on this list. This occurs after the Only Allow URLs are applied. This uses the same syntax as the web front end. string No
x-metrix-dns* Use a custom DNS host and IP to run the test with. string (host:ip_address) No
x-metrix-simulate-device* Simulate the display of your site on a variety of devices using a pre-selected combination of Screen Resolutions, User Agents, and Device Pixel Ratios. See Simulated Devices reference section for sample ID values. string (device Id) No
x-metrix-user-agent* Use a custom User Agent string string No
x-metrix-browser-width* Set the width of the viewport (in pixels) for the analysis. Also requires x-metrix-browser-height to be set. string No 1366
x-metrix-browser-height* Set the height of the viewport (in pixels) for the analysis. Also requires x-metrix-browser-width to be set. string No 768
x-metrix-browser-dppx* Set the device pixel ratio for the analysis. Decimals are allowed. Number (1 - 5) No 1
x-metrix-browser-rotate* Swaps the width and height of the viewport for the analysis. integer (0, 1) No 0

* These parameters are only available with a GTmetrix PRO plan. Learn more.

Response attributes

Attribute Description Type
test_id The test ID string
poll_state_url URL to use to poll test state string
credits_left The number of API credits remaining after running this test integer

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error message
400 Request must use POST method
400 Invalid parameter {parameter}
400 Invalid HTTP Auth Username
400 Invalid URL
400 Invalid Test Server Location
400 Supplied Test Server Location is currently down
400 Invalid Browser Selection
402 Maximum number of API calls reached
403 Your role does not have access to this feature. Contact your team administrator for more info
429 Too many concurrent requests from your IP
503 Application server temporarily unavailable

cURL example

curl -u [email protected]:e8ddc55d93eb0e8281b255ea236dcc4f \
    -F url= -F x-metrix-adblock=0 \

Get the test state and results/resources (when test complete)

GET /api/0.1/test/{test_id}

The recommended poll interval is 1 second.

Note that the tests are only retained for 24 hours. The GTmetrix report for the URL will be valid for 1 month.

URI values

Parameter Description
test_id The test ID returned after starting the test



Response attributes

Name Description Type
state The current state of the test string (queued, started, completed, error)
error The error message if state == "error". Empty string if no error. string
results Summary of test results. Will be an empty object until state == "completed". hash
results.report_url The URL to the GTmetrix report string
results.pagespeed_score PageSpeed score integer
results.yslow_score YSlow score integer
results.html_bytes The HTML size (may be the compressed size) integer
results.html_load_time The HTML load time or TTFB (in milliseconds) integer
results.page_bytes The total page size integer
results.page_load_time The page load time (in milliseconds) integer
results.page_elements The number of page elements (# of resources) integer
results.redirect_duration Time spent redirecting (in milliseconds) integer
results.connect_duration Connection time for the html page request (in milliseconds). This timing is a sum of blocked, DNS, connect and send times and may be 0 if the request was redirected. integer
results.backend_duration Backend or wait time for the html page request (in milliseconds) integer
results.first_paint_time First paint time (in milliseconds) integer
results.first_contentful_paint_time First contentful paint time (in milliseconds) integer
results.dom_interactive_time DOM interactive time (in milliseconds) integer
results.dom_content_loaded_time DOM content loaded time (in milliseconds) integer
results.dom_content_loaded_duration DOM content loaded duration (in milliseconds). The duration of which the DOMContentLoaded event JavaScript takes to complete. integer
results.onload_time Window.onload time (in milliseconds); same as results.page_load_time integer
results.onload_duration Window.onload duration (in milliseconds). The duration of which the window.onload event JavaScript takes to complete. integer
results.fully_loaded_time Fully loaded time (in milliseconds). The time after the window.onload event has fired and there has been no network activity for 2 seconds. If the x-metrix-stop-onload option is used, then this value will be set to -1. integer
results.rum_speed_index RUM Speed Index integer
resources URLs of downloadable resources. Will be an empty object until state == "completed". hash
resources.screenshot URL to download the screenshot string
resources.har URL to download the HAR file. Note that sensitive info (HTTP auth and cookies) has been removed, file contents have been trimmed, and resource usage data has been included in the HAR file. string
resources.pagespeed URL to download the PageSpeed beacon string
resources.pagespeed_files URL to download the PageSpeed optimized files. The files are combined into a single tar file. string
resources.yslow URL to download the YSlow beacon string
resources.report_pdf The URL to the GTmetrix report in PDF format string
resources.report_pdf_full The URL to the full GTmetrix report (includes recommendation details) in PDF format string The URL to the optional GTmetrix video in MP4 format string
resources.filmstrip The URL to the optional GTmetrix video's filmstrip in JPEG format string

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error message
400 Request must use GET method
404 Test not found
503 Application server temporarily unavailable

cURL example

curl -u [email protected]:e8ddc55d93eb0e8281b255ea236dcc4f \
Response (Started state)
Response (Completed state)

Resource usage data

A collection of resource usage values, sampled roughly every hundred milliseconds, is included as a custom field on the pages object of the HAR file. This custom field, named _resourceUsage, is an array containing arrays whose values are structured like so:

Subarray values

Index Description Type
0 The time elapsed since the last sample (in milliseconds) integer
1 The current CPU usage (as a percentage) float
2 The current memory usage (in megabytes) float
3 The amount of data received since the last sample (in bytes) integer
4 The amount of data sent since the last sample (in bytes) integer

Get test resource

GET /api/0.1/test/{test_id}/{resource}

Note that the PageSpeed optimized files are only kept for 24 hours. They should be downloaded on job completion if you wish to save them.

Generating a report PDF is a resource intensive task and as a result, is rate limited to 10 report PDFs per minute.

URI values

Parameter Description
test_id The test ID returned after starting the test
resource Test resource to download: screenshot, har, pagespeed, pagespeed-files, yslow, report-pdf, video




Varies based on resource.

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error message
400 Request must use GET method
404 Test not found
404 There was an error testing the page, no resources are available
404 Data not yet available, please wait until test has completed
429 Rate limit exceeded, please try again later
500 Resource unavailable
503 Application server temporarily unavailable

cURL example

curl -u [email protected]:e8ddc55d93eb0e8281b255ea236dcc4f \

Get a list of available test locations

GET /api/0.1/locations

This list is limited to the test locations currently available to you. Visit Locations for more information on Basic and Premium test locations.



Response attributes

Attribute Description Type
{i}.id The location ID string
{i}.name The location name string
{i}.default Whether this is the default location boolean
{i}.browsers List of browser ID's supported by this location array of strings

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error message
400 Request must use GET method
503 Application server temporarily unavailable

cURL example

curl -u [email protected]:e8ddc55d93eb0e8281b255ea236dcc4f \
        "name":"Vancouver, Canada",
        "name":"London, UK",
        "name":"Sydney, Australia",
        "name":"San Antonio, USA",
        "name":"Mumbai, India",
        "name":"Sao Paulo, Brazil",
        "name":"Hong Kong, China",

Get a list of available browsers

GET /api/0.1/browsers

This list is limited to the test browsers currently available to you.



Response attributes

Attribute Description Type
{i}.id The browser ID string
{i}.name The browser display name string
{i}.platform The browser platform (desktop/android) string
{i}.device The browser device type (phone/tablet); if applicable string
{i}.browser The browser (firefox/chrome) string
{i}.features.adblock Whether this browser supports AdBlock boolean
{i}.features.cookies Whether this browser supports specifying cookies boolean
{i}.features.filtering Whether this browser supports URL filtering boolean
{i}.features.http_auth Whether this browser supports HTTP authentication boolean
{i}.features.throttle Whether this browser supports connection throttling boolean
{i} Whether this browser supports video generation boolean
{i}.features.dns Whether this browser supports custom DNS boolean
{i}.features.user_agent Whether this browser supports setting a custom User Agent boolean
{i}.features.resolution Whether this browser supports setting a custom viewport resolution and device pixel ratio boolean

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error message
400 Request must use GET method
503 Application server temporarily unavailable

cURL example

curl -u [email protected]:e8ddc55d93eb0e8281b255ea236dcc4f \
        "name":"Firefox (Desktop)",
        "features": {
        "name":"Chrome (Desktop)",

Get browser details

GET /api/0.1/browsers/{browser_id}



Response attributes

See /browsers response (except it's for a single record, not all records).

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error message
400 Request must use GET method
404 Browser not found
503 Application server temporarily unavailable

cURL example

curl -u [email protected]:e8ddc55d93eb0e8281b255ea236dcc4f \
    "name":"Firefox (Desktop)",
    "features": {

Get your account status

GET /api/0.1/status



Response attributes

Attribute Description Type
api_credits Amount of API credits remaining integer
api_refill Unix timestamp for next API refill integer

Possible errors

HTTP status code Error message
400 Request must use GET method
503 Application server temporarily unavailable

cURL example

curl -u [email protected]:e8ddc55d93eb0e8281b255ea236dcc4f \
    "api_credits": 20,
    "api_refill": 1722139019

Reference Values

List of Simulated Devices

Note that this parameter is only available with GTmetrix PRO plans. Learn more.

Device type Device ID Device full name Screen resolution
iphone_xr Apple iPhone XR 414x896 @ 2 DPR
iphone_4s Apple iPhone 4/4S 320x480 @ 2 DPR
iphone_se Apple iPhone 5/5C/5S/SE (1st Gen) 320x568 @ 2 DPR
iphone_7_plus Apple iPhone 6/6S/7/8 Plus 414x736 @ 3 DPR
iphone_7 Apple iPhone 6/6S/7/8/SE (2nd/3rd Gen) 375x667 @ 2 DPR
iphone_xs_max Apple iPhone 11 Pro/11 Pro Max/12 Pro Max 414x896 @ 3 DPR
iphone_x Apple iPhone 12/12 mini/12 Pro/13 mini 375x812 @ 3 DPR
iphone_13 Apple iPhone 13/13 Pro/13 Pro Max 390x844 @ 3 DPR
nexus_4 Google Nexus 4 384x640 @ 2 DPR
nexus_5 Google Nexus 5 360x640 @ 3 DPR
pixel Google Nexus 5X/Pixel/Pixel 2 412x732 @ 2.625 DPR
pixel_xl Google Nexus 6/6P/Pixel XL/Pixel 2 XL 412x732 @ 3.5 DPR
pixel_3 Google Pixel 3 412x824 @ 2.625 DPR
pixel_3_xl Google Pixel 3 XL/3a XL 412x847 @ 3.5 DPR
pixel_4 Google Pixel 3a/4/4 XL 412x869 @ 2.625 DPR
pixel_4a Google Pixel 4a/5/5a 412x893 @ 2.625 DPR
pixel_6 Google Pixel 6 360x800 @ 3 DPR
pixel_6_pro Google Pixel 6 Pro 360x780 @ 3 DPR
lumia_520 Nokia Lumia 520 320x533 @ 1.5 DPR
oneplus_nord OnePlus Nord/Nord 2/9/10T/10R 412x915 @ 2.625 DPR
oneplus_pro OnePlus 9 Pro/10 Pro 412x920 @ 3 DPR
galaxy_note_3 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 360x640 @ 3 DPR
galaxy_note_5 Samsung Galaxy Note 4/5 412x732 @ 2.625 DPR
galaxy_note_8 Samsung Galaxy Note 8/9 412x846 @ 2.625 DPR
galaxy_note_10 Samsung Galaxy Note 10/10+ 412x869 @ 2.625 DPR
galaxy_note_20 Samsung Galaxy Note 20/20 Ultra 412x915 @ 2.625 DPR
galaxy_s5 Samsung Galaxy S4/S5 360x640 @ 3 DPR
galaxy_s7 Samsung Galaxy S6/S7 360x640 @ 4 DPR
galaxy_s8 Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+/S9/S9+ 360x740 @ 3 DPR
galaxy_s10 Samsung Galaxy S10/S10+ 360x760 @ 3 DPR
galaxy_s20 Samsung Galaxy S21/S21+/S21 Ultra 360x800 @ 3 DPR
galaxy_s22 Samsung Galaxy S22/S22+ 360x780 @ 3 DPR
ipad_air Apple iPad Air 4/5 1180x820 @ 2 DPR
ipad Apple iPad Mini 2/3/4 1024x768 @ 2 DPR
ipad_pro Apple iPad Pro (2022) 1112x834 @ 2 DPR
ipad_2 Apple iPad 2 1024x768 @ 1 DPR
nexus_7 Google Nexus 7 960x600 @ 2 DPR
nexus_10 Google Nexus 10 1280x800 @ 2 DPR
galaxy_tab_a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 960x600 @ 2 DPR
galaxy_tab_s3 Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 1024x768 @ 2 DPR
galaxy_tab_s7 Samsung Galaxy Tab S7/S7+ 1280x800 @ 2 DPR
galaxy_tab_4 Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 1280x800 @ 1 DPR

Connection Throttling

These are the default values for connection throttling available in the Dashboard. You can also pass in a custom connection string with down/up/latency values in Kbps.

Connection Full Name Connection String ID
Broadband Fast (20/5 Mbps, 25ms) 20000/5000/25
Broadband (5/1 Mbps, 30ms) 5000/1000/30
Broadband Slow (1.5 Mbps/384 Kbps, 50ms) 1500/384/50
LTE (15/10 Mbps, 100ms) 15000/10000/100
4G (9/5 Mbps, 125ms) 9000/5000/125
4G Slow (5/1 Mbps, 150ms) 5000/1000/150
3G (1.6 Mbps/768 Kbps, 200ms) 1600/768/200
3G Slow (750/500 Kbps, 250ms) 750/500/250


May 3rd, 2021

  • API Credit costs scaled down
  • Added API endpoint rate limiting

June 4th, 2020

  • Renamed x-metrix-whitelist/x-metrix-blacklist to x-metrix-allow-url/x-metrix-block-url. Old parameters still work for backwards compatibility.

June 1st, 2020

  • Fixed dom_content_loaded_duration to not always return null.

November 9th, 2018

  • Updated simulate device reference values with new devices.

September 17th, 2018

  • Added reference values for both simulate device and connection throttling parameters.

November 24th, 2017

  • Added new timing to results: first_contentful_paint_time

October 23rd, 2017

  • Fixed documentation for x-metrix-browser-rotate (it was incorrectly documented as x-metrix-rotate).

October 12th, 2017

  • Added support for Developer Toolkit functionality including 7 new options: x-metrix-dns, x-metrix-simulate-device, x-metrix-user-agent, x-metrix-browser-width, x-metrix-browser-height, x-metrix-browser-dppx and x-metrix-browser-rotate.
  • Added documentation for Developer Toolkit options.

June 14th, 2017

  • Added an api_credits variable to a request response.

February 8th, 2017

  • Added new timings to results: redirect_duration, connect_duration, backend_duration, first_paint_time, dom_interactive_time, dom_content_loaded_time, dom_content_loaded_duration, onload_time, onload_duration, fully_loaded_time, rum_speed_index.
  • Added x-metrix-stop-onload option to stop test onload.
  • results.html_load_time has been modified to be TTFB instead of including the time to download the page as well.

January 3rd, 2017

  • Added documentation for 503 http status code error.

November 15th, 2016

  • Added documentation for resource usage data.

November 3rd, 2016

  • Added filmstrip to resources for tests that include video.

September 3rd, 2014

  • Added report_pdf_full to resources for the full GTmetrix report PDF.

May 20th, 2014

  • Added rate limiting to report PDF generation.

March 28th, 2014

  • Sync up test options to what's available on the front end (browser, throttle, URL filtering).
  • Added /browsers and /browsers/{browser_id} endpoints.
  • Added supported browsers to /locations output.

January 13th, 2014

  • Removed the non-working login parameter from test.

March 5th, 2013

  • Added 429 - Too Many Requests status code if you submit jobs too fast via the API.

January 2nd, 2013

  • Fixed API status documentation - it's api_refill not api_topup.

March 19th, 2012

  • Added /status endpoint to see remaining credits.

February 1st, 2012

  • Fixed the login-pass test option (it was using login-password).

January 25th, 2012

  • Fixed documentation for results.page_load_time, as the value is in milliseconds, not seconds and is an integer, not a float.
  • results.html_load_time has been changed from seconds/float to milliseconds/integer to match page_load_time.

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