GTmetrix Performance Blog

News, updates and guides on GTmetrix and general web performance

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) Fully Supported!

If you have a website with an Internationalized Domain Name, give it a try!

Analyze your IDN today.

IDNs are domain names or TLDs that contain special characters like はじめよう.みんな orпраздник.орг. Learn more about IDNs here.

Our IDN support was limited prior to this update, but with more and more IDNs emerging we felt it best to ensure full support for the growing number of IDNs.

If you have a website with an IDN, give it a try!

Other Changelog Items

  • “Save” button is now sticky in the menus
  • Your Saved URL sort order and number displayed on the Dashboard are now remembered
  • Added an ‘X’ to clear the URL on search and URL inputs

Let us know if you run across any bugs or issues and feel free to tell us your thoughts on twitter (@gtmetrix) or contact us.

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