We’re happy to announce the release of the GTmetrix API v2.0 and Custom plans!
API v2.0 Release
The release of API v2.0 brings the availability of Lighthouse data, including Web Vitals, and audit data to GTmetrix API testing, in addition to the standard HAR (Waterfall), browser timings and screenshot data.
Other changes include:
- New Authentication Method
E-mail is no longer used as the username, and replaced with the API key.
This is to avoid breaking API usage if the GTmetrix Account e-mail has been changed.
- The JSON:API specification
Used for the API’s JSON responses.
More details here: https://jsonapi.org
- Different test types
- Lighthouse Report – A GTmetrix Report with Lighthouse metrics (Web Vitals).
- PageSpeed and YSlow – A GTmetrix Report with PageSpeed/YSlow metrics.
- Metrics-only Report – A bare-bones GTmetrix Report with browser timings only.
- General changes to endpoints and structure
Done to match more modern REST API standards and allow for extending the API in the future.
Note that API v2.0 is not backwards compatible with API v0.1. Changes to your code will be required to make it compatible with API v2.0.
API v2.0 is still fairly simple/straight forward, but the changes introduced will still require modification to your code.
Read the API v2.0 documentation for parameters and implementation details.
Credit Changes
There are a number of changes related to the GTmetrix API credit system with our new release.
We’ve made API credits more granular to allow greater flexibility of API tests.
API v2.0 has new types of tests and options available with individual credit costs, allowing you greater flexibility in your API testing.
See the API v2.0 documentation for complete details.
API v0.1
We’ve scaled down costs for each test on API v0.1:
- 1 Test now costs 0.7 credits
- 1 Test with video now costs 3.5 credits
- Tests done with API v0.1 will only be retained for 1 month (regardless of plan level)
Note that API v0.1 can only generate Legacy Reports.
Legacy Plans Daily API Credit Amount
Legacy Plans also have Daily API Credit amounts scaled down by 0.7 (equivalent to the amount Legacy Report costs have been scaled down by).
This change in test costs and Daily API Credit amounts will still result in the same number of Legacy tests you can do.
Note that Legacy Plans will have access to API v2.0, but Lighthouse Reports will cost more to generate.
Here is how our changes would impact a Legacy PRO Bronze plan:
- 100 Daily API Credits
- 1 credit per test
- 100 total tests can be generated
- 70 Daily API Credits
- 0.7 credit per test
- 100 total tests can be generated
As you can see, you’ll still be able to generate the same amount of Legacy Reports with our latest changes.
Custom Plans
Custom plans allow users to create a GTmetrix PRO plan that suits their needs and budget.

You can select the features and volume you want using our Custom plan creator tool and customize your GTmetrix PRO solution, including:
- Number of Weekly On-Demand Tests
- Number of Monitored Slots
- Number of Daily API Credits
- Data Retention period
- Hourly Monitoring (Yes/No)
- White-labelled PDF (Yes/No)
- Billing period (Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
- Discounts offered for terms longer than Monthly
If none of our preset plans suit you, we invite you to create your own Custom plan!
General updates and improvements
More changelog items recently released.
- API v0.1 Documentation URL Moved
- https://gtmetrix.com/api/docs/0.1/
- https://gtmetrix.com/api/ directs to API v2.0 documentation by default
- PRO Plan Changes
- Solo Weekly On-Demand tests increased from 125 => 150
- All Enterprise limits increased
- Dashboard Report Table
- Fixed Performance/Structure scores of 0 incorrectly showing as N/A
- Fixed Performance/Structure scores of 0 incorrectly showing as N/A
- Added the following CDNs for auto-detection:
- Tinify CDN
Let us know if you run across any bugs or issues and feel free to tell us your thoughts on Twitter (@gtmetrix) or contact us.
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