GTmetrix Performance Blog

News, updates and guides on GTmetrix and general web performance

Recent GTmetrix updates and fixes

A quick changelog of our recent changes and updates to GTmetrix.


Lighthouse updates and fixes

We’ve done various updates and adjustments to our Lighthouse implementation that improves error rates and audit results.

Audit Improvements

  • Fixed issue on “Use a CDN” and “Combine images using CSS sprites” audits showing non http/https items
  • Fixed issue with Keep-Alive reported on HTTP/2 requests


Test Error Improvements

  • Fixed error where debugger statements on page JS caused test generation errors
  • Fixed error where Lighthouse hung on waiting for WebSocket to disconnect



General updates and improvements

More changelog items recently released related to GTmetrix functionality, features, and UX/UI elements.

  • Weekly Digests re-enabled
  • TLS 1.3 only servers now generate reports
  • Fixed various rendering/layout issues on PDF, Waterfall, History graphs
  • Updated timing markers in video player
  • Reverted Legacy Reports to original Fully loaded conditions
  • Add Fully Loaded Time to latest reports column in Dashboard



CDN additions and fixes

CDN related changes in this release include.

  • Added the following CDNs for auto-detection:
    • Pressable
    • creoline
    • 20i
    • Shift8
  • Fixed detection of BunnyCDN


Let us know if you run across any bugs or issues and feel free to tell us your thoughts on Twitter (@gtmetrix) or contact us.


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