GTmetrix Performance Blog
News, updates and guides on GTmetrix and general web performance
Category: Optimization Explained
Get a better understanding of common web performance concepts.
First Contentful Paint Explained
Along with various other upgrades, Chrome 62 introduced the First Contentful Paint timing, which differs from First Paint.
Read on to discover the difference.
The Difference Between GTmetrix, PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom Tools and WebPagetest
If you’ve used any of these tools, you may wonder why the results are sometimes different. The post serves to highlight the key differences in these performance analysis tools.
What Does Image Optimization Mean?
Optimizing images reduces the total size of your page and helps it load faster – but what does it all mean?
PageSpeed and YSlow are Half the Battle
PageSpeed and YSlow scores tell you how well your front-end is optimized for loading time, and while important, they are but one half of the determining factor.
Why use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?
CDNs can help your users load your website faster by serving your static resources in nodes all around the world.