GTmetrix Performance Blog
News, updates and guides on GTmetrix and general web performance
Category: Using GTmetrix
Spotlights on GTmetrix features and how to get the most out of them.
Everything You Need to Know About GTmetrix Reports
Learn how to read and understand GTmetrix Reports.
How Many Monitored Slots do I Need and How Frequently Should I Monitor Pages?
Learn how to determine the number of Monitored Slots you need, and how frequent you should monitor pages.
Why is my Performance Score always changing?
Is your GTmetrix Performance Score always changing? Discover why in this article.
I was scoring well with the Legacy GTmetrix before but now my grades have dropped. Why?
Learn why your grades may have dropped on the new GTmetrix Report even though you were scoring well on the Legacy Reports.
Browser Timings
Overview We’ve reorganized the following Browser Timings into the Performance Tab of GTmetrix Reports.